A church wedding is one of life’s great moments when, in the presence of God, two people declare their love and commitment to each other by making vows, giving and receiving rings and signing the marriage registers. The attractiveness of our 900 year old church building and beautiful churchyard makes it a popular choice for weddings, with the option of booking the
Priory Centre
for receptions and liasing with our own
flower arrangers.
To be married at St Andrew’s Church requires a link with the parish either through residency or family connections in the past. If neither of these apply one would have to commit to attending the church on a regular basis until the wedding. All enquiries about weddings at St Andrew’s Church should be made to our Church Warden, Prof. Grant Hearn: 02380456265 2hearnsinhamble@gmail.com
The Church of England website has much useful information to help in preparations for your forthcoming marriage: http://www.yourchurchwedding.org
Baptism for babies and children takes place in a service often called a Christening. In this service parents thank God for the gift of life, make a decision to start their child on a journey of faith and godparents promise to help and support. Those who are baptised are welcomed into the wider church family and prayers are said for parents and Godparents. Adults may also be baptised.
To have a Baptism at St. Andrew’s you would normally need to live in the parish of Hamble or be a regular part of the worshipping congregation of St Andrew’s. Contact our Parish Priest Rev'd Hayley Richens - standrews.hamble@gmail.com for more information. The Church of England website is also helpful for those thinking about arranging baptism: http://www.churchofenglandchristening.org
We’ll always be here to help you through one of life’s most difficult times. A church funeral is available to everyone, giving support before, during and after the service. Funerals can be held either at St Andrew’s Church in Hamble, or at one of two local crematoria.
All enquiries about funerals should be made direct to our Parish Priest - Rev'd Hayley Richens 07742457857. The Church of England website also has a lot of helpful information about arranging funerals: http://www.churchofenglandfunerals.org.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and
the love of God, and the fellowship of
the Holy Spirit, be with us all
evermore. Amen.
God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, to the end that all that believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - Gospel of St. John, 3 : 16.